Instructions on Application Process for Coming to Taiwan for Medical Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic

update: 2022/6/27

本院於Covid-19疫情期間配合我國嚴重特殊傳染性 炎中央流行疫情指揮中心及各部會規定執行國際醫療業務,說明如下:

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we provide international medical service in accordance with the laws and regulations related to Severe Pneumonia with Novel Pathogens imposed by Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and various ministries.Because the restrictions are relatively complicated, we produce the document for reference.


1.Apply for entry:During the COVID-19 pandemic, if you wish to receive treatment in the hospital, you shall contact the ” International Medical Service Center” of the hospital. We will arrange Telehealth Consultation first, if it is necessary,we will submit an application to Taiwan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare in accordance with “Directions for Management of Medical Institutions Handling Applications by Foreign Nationals for Medical Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic.” After obtaining the permit from MOHW, you can start applying for a visa.


2.Quarantine :After entry, take the airport coordinated scheduled taxi to the quarantine hotel for quarantine (the day of entry not counted).You will receive follow-up calls from health authorities twice a day and mobile phone tracking.


3.COVID-19 Testing


4.Self-health monitoring:

Patients should comply with the rules: you are prohibited from going to the hospital, taking public transportation, or going to public places.


5.Receiving treatment: When arriving at the hospital, the patient should follow the hospital’s COVID-19 prevention policies, such as taking temperature, sanitizing hands, wearing masks.


Note: The entry and exit regulations imposed by border control authorities around the world cahnge rapidly according to the pandemic. The document is for reference only.